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篇名 性侵害加人社區身心治療與輔導教育之執行現況探究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Execution and Performance of Community-treatment for Sexual Offenders in Taiwan
作者 陳慈幸
頁次 159-184
關鍵字 性侵害加害人社區身心治療與輔導教育社區治療執行現況sexual offenderspsychiatric treatment and counseling with education in communitycommunity-treatmentthe execution and performance
出刊日期 201412




There’re three Articles were directed against the compulsory treatment for sexual offenders for the time being in Taiwan, comprehending the article 91-1 of Criminal Code, which is related to “after-penalty compulsory treatment”; besides, the article 22-1 and 20 of Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act, that are regard to “after-penalty recalled compulsory treatment” as well as “psychiatric treatment and counseling with education in community” (also be called community-treatment). This thesis is concentrated on the execution of the “community-treatment” in all Department of Health of the county/city governments in Taiwan. The research methods include literature review, questionnaire survey and the analysis about the performance in the practice of “community-treatment” at all Department of Health, assessing from three aspects: the human resources, treatment models and the treatment evaluation. The results of this research will provide the suggestions to the policies and improve the effectiveness of “community-treatment” for sexual offenders in Taiwan.
