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篇名 1,4-二氧陸圜空氣採樣分析方法建立
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 Air sampling and analysis of 1,4-dioxane
作者 路皓宇鄭淑芳蔡詩偉
頁次 350-363
關鍵字 1,4-二氧陸圜職業場所空氣採樣活性碳管氣相層析質譜儀1,4-DioxaneOccupational settingsAir samplingCharcoal tubeGC/MS
出刊日期 201412


1.4-二氧陸圜(1,4-dioxane)是一個被廣泛使用的化學物質;而近年來,美國環保署將其列為 新興污染物。1.4-二氧陸圜可能散布於大氣、水、土壤中;在工業上,其可能用途包括: 纖維 素及有機物之溶劑、塗料及清漆去除劑、紡織加工、染料盆、污點、印刷排字之潤濕劑及分散 劑、清潔劑之製造、水泥、除臭劑、煙燻劑、乳化劑、光澤劑、含氯溶劑之安定劑、閃爍計數 器、合成酸性染料、及合成原料藥等。 1,4-二氧陸圜的主要暴露途徑包括:吸入、食入及皮膚接觸。1,4-二氧陸圜暴露可能的健 康危害包括:肝毒性、腎臟毒性、眼睛及呼吸道刺激等。 在台灣,雖然1,4-二氧陸圜在2010年起已被禁用於化妝品之中,但在其他行業仍被持續使 用。因此,為了評估國內相關職業暴露的可能健康風險,本研究除了蒐集國內外1,4-二氧陸圜 健康危害相關資訊外,亦利用活性碳管搭配採樣幫浦建立1,4二氧陸圜的主動式空氣採樣與分 析方法;而由於1,4二氧陸圜常與其他溶劑被共同使用,因此包括:四氫呋喃、三氯乙烯及四 氯乙烯等亦一併進行混存物的方法驗證。樣本分析方面,則利用CS2進行溶劑脫附後,藉由氣 相層析質譜儀分析。 本研究發現,以100mL/min採樣60min,可有效同步偵測濃度範圍介於0.5~2倍PEL的1,4二 氧陸圜、四氫呋喃、三氯乙烯及四氯乙烯;在一般環境下,1,4二氧陸圜、四氫呋喃和四氯乙 烯的調整後回收率約在90%到130之間,而三氯乙烯調整後回收率則是偏高。另外,濕度測試 亦發現,在80%相對濕度時三氯乙烯的調整後回收率將明顯偏高,其他物質則不受影響;但 至5倍PEL時(採樣體積為6L),則有破出發生。在16倍PEL時(採樣體積為6L),1,4二氧陸 圜、三氯乙烯、四氫呋喃皆發生破出,只有四氯乙烯未達破出標準。 本研究建議未來應至可能有二氧陸圜暴露的行業中進行空氣採樣與暴露評估,以保障相關 工作者之健康;而由於1,4-dioxane具有自皮膚進入人體的可能,因此除了空氣採樣與分析外,建議亦需要建立生物偵測方法,以利評估更完整的暴露狀況。


1,4-Dioxane is a widespread chemical in our world. It has been considered as an emerging contaminant in these years, and it can be distributed into atmosphere, water and soil. In workplace, 1,4-dioxane is widely used in many manufacturing processes, such as stabilizer for chlorinated solvents,aircraft deicing fluids, dispersing agent in textile processes, polishing compounds, manufacturing detergents, varnishes and dyes. The primary routes of potential human exposure to 1,4-dioxane are inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact. As for health effects, it may cause eye and nose irritation, even severe kidney and liver effects. It has been classifi ed as a group 2B (possibly human) carcinogen by the IARC. In Taiwan, the use of 1,4-dioxane as cosmetics raw material has been banned since 2010. However, it is still widely used in many other manufactures while the information in the occupational settings is limited. Therefore, to assess the health risk associated with the use of 1,4-dioxane, this research has collected detailed information regarding the possible health effects due to the exposures of 1,4-dioxane. Besides, this research has also developed air sampling and analysis method for 1,4-dioxane with the co-exists of other organic compounds. By using charcoal tube coupled with sampling pump, it has been proved that chemicals including 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran (THF), trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (TetraCE) can be collected simultaneously. After sampling, CS2 was used for the desorption, followed by the analysis with GC-FID or GC/MS. It was found that sampling at 100mL/min for 60min, 0.5, 1 and 2 folds PELs of 1,4-dioxane,TCE, and TetraCE can be collected and the collection efficiencies are around 90-130%. Besides, when the relative humidity was 80%, the collection efficiencies of 1,4-dioxane, THF and TetraCE were ranged 90% to 130% under 0.5x PEL and 1x PEL level and the recovery of TCE also raised significantly. However, for THF, breakthrough occurred when the concentration reached 5 folds of PEL. When the concentration reached 16 folds of PEL, breakthrough occurred for 1,4-dioxane, TCE, THF except TetraCE. To protect workers’ health, further exposure assessment at the associated factory is recommended. In addition, method of biological monitoring needed to be developed since skin contact is also an important route for the exposure of 1,4-dioxane.
