
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 將台灣女性繪入世界地圖: 政治權力之參與 (1995-2008)
卷期 24
並列篇名 Mapping Taiwanese Women back on the World: Women in Government (1995-2008)
作者 張春蘭張瑞玲
頁次 057-074
關鍵字 台灣女性世界女性性別發展指數性別權力測度地理資訊系統Taiwanese womenthe World's WomenGender Development IndexGender Empowerment MeasureGeographic Information System
出刊日期 201410


女權運動發展至今,已成為全球人權論中的重要議題。但透過聯合國定期發布性別 賦權平衡所發布的 「性別權力測度」(Gender Empowerment Measure,簡稱GEM) 可知, 各國的女性權力都低於男性,由各地數據的有高有低,也呈現不均現象。而台灣因非 聯合國成員,故在資訊收集上、國際評比資料中都呈現缺席狀態。因此本文企圖參考 國際與台灣女性統計數據,討論台灣女性權力發展與國際的差距與位置。本文採納了聯 合國開發計劃署 (United Nations Development Program, 簡稱 UNDP) 所公佈之三項綜 合指數,人類發展指數 (Human Development Index,簡稱HDI ),性別發展指數 (Gender Development Index,簡稱GDI ),性別權力測度 (GEM) 進行國際間比較,用地理資訊系 統將台灣女性的統計資料繪入世界女性的地圖集中。經分析結果發現,在HDI、GDI、 HDI-GDI差值、GEM四種表現女性處境的地圖比較中,台灣的表現相當優異,在2005年 的數值中都屬於領先群體。雖然以排名來看,台灣的2005年GDI、GEM排名在前20內, 但台灣HDI數值與GEM數值的落差,遠大於北歐國家的落差,再觀看女性國會席次比例 的高低,則可得知,在女性政治領域的賦權平均程度是相當不平衡,因此造成此等現 象。若以2008年台灣立法委員的女性比例做為數據,則HDI與GEM落差的程度則可降低 不少。


The feminist movement has been an essential issue in the international human rights movement. The United Nations (UN) has periodically published reports such as the Human Development Report, the World's Women, to document the Gender Empowerment Measures (GEM), which show the participation in government by gender. Based on the GEM index, women's power is less than males' in all member nations of the UN. The index varies and indicates inequality between countries internationally. Taiwan, with its special political position, is not a member of the UN. Thus, many worldwide-recognized indices and statistics in the Human Development Report, the World's Women and the Penguin Atlas of Women in the world by Seager, are not calculated for Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present the indices for Taiwan and further to locate Taiwanese women's political empowerment and development at an international scope. This paper adopted three indices, the Human Development Index (HDI), the Gender Development Index (GDI) and GEM, from the UNDP to calculate the numbers for Taiwan. The geographical information system was utilized for showing the spatial location of Taiwanese women in the international atlas of women. The results indicated that Taiwanese women's performances ranked top in terms of HDI, GDI, HDI-GDI differences, and GEM in 2005 internationally. Although Taiwan's GDI and GEM ranked 20th, the difference between HDI and GEM is greater in Taiwan than in the Nordic countries. The unequal proportion of Congress seats held by women shows the imbalance of gender empowerment in Taiwan. However, the difference between HDI and GEM became narrower in terms of the proportion of Congress members who are women in Taiwan in 2008.
