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篇名 我國警察機關執行性侵者社區監督工作之質性研究 對性罪犯家庭之影響 警察執行登記報到與查訪工作
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Qualitative Research of the Sex Offender’s Police Community Supervision in Taiwan
作者 吳聖琪甘炎民
頁次 079-112
關鍵字 性侵者社區監督警察登記報到及查訪sex offenderscommunity supervisionpolice registration report and visit
出刊日期 201507


性侵害犯罪防治法修正條文於101年1月1日公布施行,對於性侵害者之警察社區監督工作產生重大變革,含擴大登記報到範圍、在原有七年外新增五年之登記報到對象、賦予警察登記報到期間查訪之法源依據、拒絕警察查訪之法律效果及行方不明性侵者公告協尋等,期落實性侵者之社區監督,降低再犯。本文針對對五名性侵者進行深度訪談,探究性侵者對於警察前往實施查訪,對其工作、家庭、人際交友、再犯預防等面向之影響。研究結果發現性侵者認為警察查訪對再犯預防有提醒作用,但登記報到及查訪工作法定期間過長且頻率過高,亦擔心給予家人、朋友負面觀感及影響其工作權益等,本文並據以提出未來工作推動之 對性罪犯人際交友之影響性侵犯對警察登記報到及查訪工作之意見建議。


The Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act has been amended and taken effect in 2012 and have great change in the community supervision work of police including expanding the range of registration report range, added five years of registration report objects, penalty for those who refuses to police visits and notify and search for those who not follow the rules. Based on in-depth interviews to five sex offenders in Chia-Yi city , R.O.C. , this research try to understand the impact of police community supervision in the sex offenders’ works, families, interpersonal relationships and recidivism. Study results showed that sex offenders considered police visits can remind them to follow the laws. But the period is too long and too frequently. And they also worried about giving families and friends bad impression and we accordingly give some recommendations to promote this work in the future.
