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篇名 成年前期女性知覺和因應分手暴力之探究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Coping with Violence Following the End of a Relationship: Perspectives of Young Adult Taiwanese Women
作者 王詩茜簡美華
頁次 047-078
關鍵字 成年前期女性分手暴力因應College womenviolence following the end of a relationshipcoping
出刊日期 201507


受暴女性從遭受暴力、在受暴關係中掙扎、決定離開,和重回生活規律性,有其因應方式和變化歷程。此研究之主要目的,在於瞭解成年前期女性對分手暴力的知覺與其因應過程。探討二個主要研究問題:成年前期女性對於分手暴力之知覺?在分手歷程中,因應前男友暴力行為之策略與資源? 以生命史為研究設計,採立意取樣方式邀請四位大學及研究生進行深度訪談,並以主題分析法形成三類屬。分手暴力類型以精神暴力為主,僅有一位曾遭遇肢體暴力。精神暴力類型相當多,如:電話和網路騷擾、在可能出現的地方等待、跟蹤、贈送禮物、騷擾友人。這真是太可怕了、強裝鎮定、他後悔莫及了、無可奈何,皆為遭遇分手暴力之感受。因應分手暴力,包含:回應求自保、忽視和外力介入。 此研究顯示:處於分手階段具高度壓力,因分手暴力所產生之後續影響,必須考量不同暴力類型對受害當事人身體及精神上的傷害可能有所差異。因多數受訪者遭遇分手暴力時不願尋求正式系統協助,在實務工作上政府單位應調整受理案件的流程,針對校園安全相關課程及訓練方,加強同理技巧與安全環境提供之重視。建議未來研究,可區分成大學和研究所二個不同年齡階段分別探討其差異,以及對於不同分手暴力類型進行比較分析。


Ending an intimate relationship may not be an easy task for young adults. Young Taiwanese women who initiate a break-up may face difficult challenges, such as relationship violence or disapproval for violating social norms. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how young adult women perceived and coped with relationship violence after breaking up. A life-history approach and in-depth interviews were used to collect data from four Taiwanese college women with average age of 23. A thematic analysis approach was adopted to develop themes. Three major categories—characteristics of violence, feelings about relationship violence, and coping strategies—emerged from the analysis. The category characteristics of violence included themes of physical and psychological violence. The category feelings about relationship violence reflected on themes of being horrified, pretending to be calm, refusal to accept the perpetrator’s regret, and being frustrated. The category of coping strategies included making a simple response, just ignoring it, and seeking intervention by social networks. Limitations of the study, implications of the findings, and suggestions for future research are further discussed.
