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篇名 QS世界大學排名之解析
卷期 257
並列篇名 Analysis of QS World University Rankings
作者 王如哲
頁次 005-026
關鍵字 大學排名高等教育階層化university rankinghigher educationstratifi cation
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/168063602015090257001


關於世界大學排名,不論我們喜歡與否,它們都不會突然消失,但若過度重視,則 可能會產生高等教育資源太集中在少數大學,形成高等教育的階層化。影響所及,對於 同樣接受高等教育的學生將形成不公平的現象,也很難發展成一個可以培養高等教育人 才的健全高等教育體系。 目前全世界大學排名最主要有三大體系:第一個是英國的泰晤士報高等教育排名; 第二個是上海交通大學世界大學排名;第三個則是QS世界大學排名(QS World University Rankings, QS)。這三大體系每年公布的世界大學排名,均備受各國關注。 本文旨在針對QS世界大學排名進行分析,內容包括該排名所根據的指標與方法,然 後根據相關資料進行QS世界大學排名解析,最後提出評論及建議。


With regard to world university rankings, whether we like them or not, they will not disappear suddenly. However, higher education resources may be unequally distributed to higher education institutions if we pay too much attention to the rankings. As a result of this, stratifi cation of higher education may appear. Consequently, it seems diffi cult to develop a healthy system of higher education for all the students. There are three main world university ranking. They are Times Higher Education World University Ranking, Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), and QS World University Ranking. The purpose of this article is to examine the QS World University Ranking, including indicators and methods used, and the results concerned. Comments and suggestions are provided accordingly.
