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篇名 世界主要大學排名系統與指標之探討
卷期 257
並列篇名 Examining Higher Education World University Rankings: Approaches and Debates
作者 秦夢群曾柏璣
頁次 068-087
關鍵字 大學排名大學排名所衍生之爭議大學排名層面指標world university rankingsranking performance indicatorranking criticisms
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/168063602015090257005




World University Rankings are rankings of institutions in higher education ordered by various academic factors based on the core missions of universities including teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. This study compared the calibrated performance indicators of major higher education world university rankings by examining a broad literature and researches. It was found that World University Rankings have produced numerous debates and criticisms concerning rankings’ usefulness and accuracy mainly because the expanding diversity in rating methodologies and indicators. It was suggested that methodological improvements and ranking by subject discipline are needed to provide more objective reference for diverse performance in universities worldwide.
