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篇名 中小學教科書編審人員認知審定基準重要性之研究
卷期 257
並列篇名 A Study of Editors’ and Reviewers’ Awareness of the Importance of K-12 Textbook Review and Approval Criteria
作者 林信志楊國揚劉藍芳
頁次 105-124
關鍵字 教科書審定基準模糊統計textbooksreview and approval criteriafuzzy statistics
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/168063602015090257007




The main purpose of this study is to explore editors’ and reviewers’ awareness of the importance of K-12 textbook review and approval criteria. The research firstly constructed textbook review and approval criteria by literature analysis and expert meetings, and then collected textbook editors and reviewers’ opinions by fuzzy questionnaires. After recycling questionnaires, the research applied defuzzification formula for comparing the importance of all the levels and items criteria. Finally, the research explored the different backgrounds of participants’ different levels of awareness of the importance by t-test, ANOVA. The main findings are as follows: 1. this study constructs review and approval criteria including two essential criteria and seventeen general criteria are highly important; 2. editors and reviewer are roughly the same views on the importance; 3. editors and reviewer of university professors and school teachers are roughly the same on the importance; 4. the editors and reviewers of senior high school, vocational school, junior high school, and elementary school have the same opinion on the importance.
