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篇名 二十一世紀全球國際學校的發展與挑戰
卷期 259
並列篇名 International Schools in the 21st Century: Global Development and Challenges
作者 陳怡如
頁次 039-055
關鍵字 國際教育國際學校international educationinternational school
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/168063602015110259004




The number of international schools has been dramatically increased during the past decade. As a result, an international school industry has emerged with a lot of diversities in these schools’ governance and management, curriculum and background of student/teacher population. This paper examines the historical development, types, curriculum, characteristics of student/teacher population of international schools globally and challenges they are facing at the moment. In particular, China is used as an example to illustrate the recent development of international schools in Asian region. Based on the above discussion, conclusions and its implications for Taiwan are drawn.
