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篇名 前進東南亞高等教育:區域化的推展
卷期 259
並列篇名 Moving Towards Higher Education in Southeastern Asia: The Progress of Regionalization
作者 黃庭玫詹盛如
頁次 080-099
關鍵字 東南亞高等教育東南亞國家協會南向政策高等教育區域化higher educationThe Association of Southeast Asian Nationssouth-bound policyregionalization
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/168063602015110259006


隨著東南亞區域的政治穩定和經濟快速發展,高等教育的需求日益增加。東協各國 所組成區域性的高等教育組織,例如:「東協大學聯盟」(ASEAN University Network, AUN)或「東南亞教育部長組織」(Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, SEAMEO),針對東協地區的人員流動訂定出「東南亞學分轉換系統」(SEA-CTS)和 「東協品質保證聯盟」(ASEAN Quality Assurance Network, AQAN),協助東協各國建 置高等教育系統的學分轉換和品質保證機制,東南亞區域的高等教育的區域化已逐漸成 形。面對東南亞高等教育制度化、區域化的發展,身為鄰國的臺灣,除了積極推動南向 政策外,或許可以採取設置專責單位/辦公室進行資料蒐集、研究和分析與參與、因應 各國高教需求,規劃重點市場發展策略、建立課程與學位的國際認證機制,以及從教育 全方位的再深化與東南亞區域之連結四項策略,以回應東南亞高等教育區域化日漸發酵 的影響。


Along with the stable political and economic development in Southeast, there is an increasing demand in higher education. The establishment of ASEAN University Network (AUN) and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) has facilitated the construction of SEA-CTS and ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) helping the conversion of credits and quality assurance mechanisms. All contributes to the emergence of regionalization in Southeaster Asia. In confronting the development of greater educational institutionalization and regionalization, Taiwan as a neighboring country has been keen to initiate the ‘Southward policy’. It would be better that the island-state can engage with the wider region by implementing four strategies. Firstly, we can set up special mission unit/office so as to gather relevant information and carry out market niche analysis. The second part is to plot the priority market and relevant strategies. Thirdly, international accreditation mechanisms in curriculum and degrees should be established with ASEAN countries. Finally, we should take a ‘holistic’ approach in deepening educational connection with regional universities.
