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篇名 中等教育的危機管理:對希臘中等教育首長的考察(上)
卷期 259
並列篇名 Crisis Management for Secondary Education: A Survey of Secondary Education Directors in Greece
作者 何佳瑞
頁次 109-118
關鍵字 中等教育中等教育管理危機管理希臘希臘中等教育風險學校secondary educationsecondary education managementcrisis managementGreeceGreek secondary educationriskschools
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/168063602015110259008


目的:希臘的中等教育系統缺乏正式的危機管理機制。本文的目的是探討下述的問 題:指出現行危機管理之實踐,並且概括描述出一個在希臘的正式危機管理系統所需要 的特徵。 設計/方法/進路:本研究立基在有關對中等教育首長(the directors of secondary education)的一項考察,以及對此考察結果的詮釋之上。根據中等教育的梯次結構,首 長們都是具有非常豐富經驗的教育家。他們處於一種獨特的建置之中,使他們能夠把管 理的面向與領域的經驗結合在一起,而這兩者對於管理危機而言,都是非常重要的。 研究結果:首先,社會政治性事件常被看成是重要的危機觸發者。第二,存在著一 種對於國家擴大參與之預期的傾向。第三,儘管缺乏正式的系統,現行的實踐仍然是相 關的,同時,它也有意模仿正式的系統。 研究意涵/意涵:在實踐中,正式系統的缺乏並沒有阻礙危機管理在中等教育的單 位中得到應用。 原創性/價值:目前沒有其他研究在首長層次上(如我們所意識到的)對危機管理 進行考察。研究發現概括指出在策略面向上所展現之現存實踐,它同時也可以做為一個 指導,有助於設計出適合於希臘中等教育的正式危機管理系統。


Purpose – The Greek secondary education system lacks a formal crisis management system. The purpose of this paper is to address this problem as follows: elicit current crisis management practices, outline features for designing a formal crisis management system in Greece. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on a survey conducted with the directors of secondary education and the interpretation of the survey results. Due to the echelon structure of secondary education the directors are experienced educators with plenty of experience. They are in a unique setting to be able to combine the managerial perspective with field experience, both of which are important for managing crises. Findings – First, events of sociopolitical nature are considered as important crisis triggers. Second, there is tendency to expect extended involvement of the state. Third despite the lack of a formal system, current practices are relevant and tend to mimic formal systems. Research limitations/implications – In practice the lack of a formal system does not impede crisis management to be applied in secondary education units. Originality/value – There is no other survey on crisis management at the directors’ level that we are aware of. The findings outline existing practices from a tactical perspective, and can serve as a guide for designing a formal crisis management system that is suited for secondary education in Greece.
