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篇名 從臺灣原住民族出版相關文獻探討臺灣原住民族知識分布
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Taiwanese Indigenous Knowledge Categories and Their Distribution: A Survey of Indigenous Publications
作者 盧谷砳樂吳美美
頁次 135-160
關鍵字 原住民族知識知識發展知識組織文本分析Indigenous KnowledgeKnowledge DevelopmentKnowledge OrganizationTextual AnalysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2015.13(2).135




In recent years, indigenous knowledge has received significant attention in Taiwan. Yet, due to the lack of a clear definition and framework of indigenous knowledge, government ministries and social organizations at all levels face enormous challenges in legislation and policymaking concerning indigenous knowledge preservation, organization, and transmission. This research intends to analyze the scope of published indigenous knowledge contents in Taiwan. By taking a qualitative approach to identifying the characteristics and ranges of indigenous knowledge in publications, it hopes to contribute to knowledge organization research and facilitate policymaking on indigenous knowledge preservation. In order to do so, indigenous related publications are collected and textual analysis is applied. The results show that indigenous knowledge related publications grew substantially and then stabilized in late 1990. “Exhibition of culture,” “cultural transmission and education,” and “livelihoods” are three major areas in terms of number of publications, while the categories in “media,” “legal rights,” and “interaction among tribes” have the least publications. Based on the findings, suggestions are made for future research on indigenous knowledge organization.
