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篇名 以歷史教學改進為己任的清華大學榮譽教授張元
卷期 262
並列篇名 Emeritus Professor Yuan Chang, National Tsing Hua University, Who Devotes Himself to the Advancement of History Teaching
作者 單文經
頁次 005-021
關鍵字 張元臺灣清華大學歷史研究所歷史思維歷史教育歷史教學Prof. Yuan ChangInstitute of HistoryNational Tsing Hua Universityhistory thinkinghistory educationhistory teaching
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.3966/168063602016020262001




The article, based on two interviews and related literature, reports the continuous efforts and achievements of Prof. Yuan Chang, Emeritus Professor, Institute of History, National Tsing Hua University, as a historian who devotes himself to the advancement of history teaching. It is divided into five sections. The background of the article and a brief introduction of Prof. Chang are described in the first section. Prof. Chang’s unceasing efforts of the betterment of history teaching, i.e., clarification of the meanings of history and historical knowledge, the dissemination of the teaching for the progress of students’ history thinking, and the presentations of the critical practices of history teaching are explained in the second through the fourth section. In the last section, apart from synthesizing Prof. Chang’s contributions, his expectations that history teachers should believe that the advancement of historical teaching is an endless work, and they should make piecemeal and accumulated adjustment for better teaching to develop students’ history thinking are delineated.
