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篇名 歷史教學中多元史觀的國際經驗與實踐
卷期 262
並列篇名 The International Experience and Practice of History Teaching in Multiple History Perspectives
作者 黃嘉莉
頁次 022-036
關鍵字 共構教科書歷史爭戰歷史思考歷史教學joint construction experience of textbookshistory warshistorical thinkinghistory teaching
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.3966/168063602016020262002




This paper aims to explore the experiences of deal with history wars and joint construction of textbook in international on the nature of history and ideology in school curriculum and to suggest the practice of history teaching in multiple history perspectives. Overemphasis on specific history position, history wars continue to occur shifting from the conquest issue of national identity and patriotism to contest over disadvantage. Finally, such as definite the goal of history teaching with preparing students’ historical thinking capability, appropriate subject matters and methods teacher can adapt, the circumstance for students doing research or investigating history topics, and the quality of history fact, and teachers’ history literacy with history facts, history epistemology, and history moral are suggested in this paper.
