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篇名 數位融入歷史教學的嘗試
卷期 262
並列篇名 An Essay of Historical Teaching with Digital Aids
作者 石蘭梅
頁次 037-052
關鍵字 資訊科技融入教學數位學習歷史教學策略information technology integratione-learninghistorical teaching strategy
出刊日期 201602




The pedagogy of most of the history teachers in both high and elementary schools in our country is teacher-centered lecturing. In this way of teaching, students obtain mainly cognitive ability, rather than psychomotor and affective one. Sometimes pedagogy of lecturing even misleads students on values of history. Since the domains of education has tremendously been influenced by digital technology, it could be a positive shift to teach history with digital aids. In this paper, a non-traditional history pedagogy is proposed under the author’s years of participating in research projects of Ministry of Education and practical experiences of executing them. Based on the research results, history teachers in high and elementary schools may be given different insights to make necessary improvements.
