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篇名 Wineburg的“Reading Like a Historian”教材簡介
卷期 262
並列篇名 An Introduction of the Rationale of Wineburg’s “Reading Like a Historian ”
作者 莊德仁
頁次 053-067
關鍵字 Wineburg多元文本閱讀脈絡化的歷史理解歷史教育Wineburgmultipletext readingunderstandingthe contextofhistoryhistory education
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.3966/168063602016020262004


本文先簡介美國歷史教育學者S. Wineburg與一群高中歷史教師所設計而成的兼具閱 讀文本、工具與教學策略的中學歷史教材:“Reading Like a Historian”之理念與構想。隨 後,作者並據以設計一套以北魏太武帝滅佛為主題的教材,透過一手資料的提供與相關 活動的安排,由易至難地安排三則學習活動,交互引導學生運用閱讀教學策略,期能透 過教材的設計與實施,增進學生的歷史思維能力與學習興趣。


The paper aimed at introducing briefly the rationale of “Reading Like a Historian”, a book written by American history education scholar Sam Wineburg and a group of high school history teachers. It puts designs for of reading texts, textbook tools and teaching strategies together in a textbook. Then, based on Sam Wineburg’s ideas, the author designed a set of teaching materials for a unit titled “Northern WeidynastyEmperorout Buddhism.” By providingfirst-hand informationandrelated activities, from easytodifficult, threelearning activitieswere arrangedtoguide students to useinteractiveteaching readingstrategies. It is hoped that the materials would increase students’ interests in learning the history and doing historicizing.
