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篇名 高中歷史教科書中的近代日常生活史書寫
卷期 262
並列篇名 The Writing of Modern Everyday Life History in Senior High School History Textbooks
作者 陳健文
頁次 085-101
關鍵字 文化研究日常生活史高中歷史教科書現代性cultural studieseveryday life historysenior high school history textbooksmodernity
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.3966/168063602016020262006


近幾十年來,史學界興起一股「日常生活史」的研究潮流。而此一研究領域的興 起,與西方「文化研究」(cultural studies)思潮的崛起有密切關係。特別是文化研究中 所強調的「現代性」(modernity)概念,是近代日常生活史研究實踐的重心之一。本文 將以高中歷史95暫綱與101課綱中日常生活史相關的部分為討論起點,說明何謂「現代 性」的概念,並分析如何利用此概念來理解教科書中有關近代日常生活史的教材,提供 教師作為教學時之參考。


Recently, a study trend called “everyday life history” become eminent in historical research field. The rise of this trend is related to “cultural studies” from the West during these recent decades. Especially the concept of modernity has become a focus of the everyday life history. This essay discusses materials of everyday life history in the 2006 and 2012 history syllabi for senior high school, and illustrates the concept of “modernity.” Then, an implication of this concept will be analyzed to understand the content of contemporary everyday life history in textbooks, so that the result will provide a teaching sample for teachers.
