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篇名 沈默之聲:從華語語系研究觀點看《台灣三部曲》的發言主體
卷期 12
並列篇名 The Sound of Silence: Sinophone Studies and the Speaking Subjects in Taiwan Trilogy
作者 林芳玫
頁次 017-036
關鍵字 華語語系研究施叔青《台灣三部曲》發言主體Sinophone studiesShih Shu-chingTaiwan Trilogyspeaking subject
出刊日期 201510
DOI 10.6242/twnica.12.2




This paper intends to analyze, by using the perspective of Sinophone studies, the subaltern people’s difficulties of expressing themselves in Taiwan Trilogy. They have a strong desire to speak for themselves but their efforts often fail. The author Shih Shu-ching writes these three novels not to speak on behalf of the lower class, but to look for the traces of their forgotten and concealed existence in history. Sinophone studies aim at deconstructing the cultural hegemony that places China as the center. These approaches enable us to look at the multiple layers of minoritarian Chinese languages. Readers can clearly see the attempt to construct Taiwan subjectivity as a diverse and heterogeneous one in Taiwan Trilogy. This construction of a new subject position is forever in a dynamic and ambiguous state of becoming.
