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篇名 The Analysis of the Execution of Health Checkup for Foreigners
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 外國人士體檢執行面的分析
作者 蔡亮如吳岱穎郭冠良陳冠廷吳欣潔
頁次 049-056
關鍵字 Foreign workersForeigners’ health checkupsHealth checkup abnormalities外籍勞工外國人體檢體檢異常
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/181020932016031401007


我國自民國78 年開放外籍勞工來台工作後,外勞在台工作人數即開始迅速增加。為 了防止外籍勞工或外籍居留者所帶原之特定傳染病於我國傳播,造成防疫漏洞,遂設立外 國人之定期體檢以嚴格把關。本文旨在探討現行法規規定之外國人體檢項目異常時之後續 處理。現行外國人體檢項目包含梅毒血清檢查、活動性肺結核、糞便寄生蟲、麻疹及德國 麻疹抗體、漢生病等。愛滋病毒抗體檢查則自民國104 年2 月6 日起免驗。本文將逐一探 討確診方式、確診後是否需廢止聘雇許可、及不合格者後續治療及複檢規定。希望能讓讀 者對於外國人體檢的異常項目處理有更深之認識。


Beginning from 1989, the Taiwanese government formally allows foreign workers to work legally in Taiwan. Since then, the number of foreign workers has increased rapidly. In order to prevent the transmission of infectious disease brought by these foreigners to Taiwan and hence causing a defective disease control scheme, strict regulations about health checkups for their entry are mandatory. In this article, we discuss the management of abnormal findings of regular foreigners’ health checkups. The mandatory health checkup items include syphilis, active pulmonary tuberculosis, stool parasite ova, antibody for measles and rubella, leprosy, etc. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was exempted from the mandatory health checkup items since February 6, 2015. In this article, we will discuss how to make a definite diagnosis of these diseases, ablation of employment when diagnosis is confirmed, subsequent treatment, and recheck regulations. We hope the readers will have a more comprehensive understanding of regular foreigners’ health checkups.
