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篇名 深層海水應用於藻類生技產業之發展
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Application of Deep Sea Water in Algae Biotech Industry
作者 陳芝融陳信良段文宏
頁次 043-067
關鍵字 生物技術生物活性深層海水產業應用藻類biotechnologybioactivitydeep ocean waterindustrial applicationsalgae
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/222369612015050501003


深層海水(deep sea water, DSW)已被廣泛定義為在海洋中水深200 公尺以 下的水層即屬之。由於DSW 的水質穩定而潔淨,具有低溫、富含礦物質及高無 機的營養成分,而且病原菌也極為稀少,因此如果能夠善用這些特性,廣泛應用 於人們日常所需等各方面,不僅可創造極高的附加價值,更能夠滿足現今人們追 求低污染、低耗能與自然環保的生活理念。 藻類(algae)因棲地水域之差異,又可概分為淡水藻類(freshwater algae) 及海水藻類(marine algae); 再依據體型大小的可見與否, 區分為細微藻類 (microalgae)及大型藻類(macroalgae)。目前已有許多的培育方式,可對藻類 進行擴大養殖,供應各種用途的需求。長久以來,藻類已成為人類日常生活及工 業應用不可或缺之材料,再透過生物技術的導入後,更進一步產生新的產品或衍 生出藻類的特殊功能,可應用在食品、保健食品、餌飼料、化妝品與生態維護等 方面,後續的相關產品在未來也極具發展空間。愈趨多元化的應用,使得藻類研 究充滿無限可能性及潛在商機,也促使著藻類生技產業蓬勃發展。 臺灣東部海域具有開發深層海水的優越條件,政府已將深層海水產業列為重 點新興產業,並且分別建置與設立了兩座不同功能的研究中心,提供相關學術或 產業的利用及研究之用。由於DSW 的資源量可謂無限,其獨具之潔淨、低溫安 定及富營養鹽等特性,非常適合發展藻類生技產業。藉由臺灣既有的藻類生技技術及研發,如能再利用深層海水培育及生產優質大型藻類及微細藻類,提供高機能性藻類生技原料或產品,結合特有的「藍金」與「綠金」獨具之產業特色,發揮兩者加乘的優勢,預期將可帶動國內高科技水產相關產業以及生技產業的再進一步發展,開啟下一個「兆元」產業的可能性。


The deep sea water (DSW) has been broadly defined as the water layer that under the 200 meter below the sea water surface. Due to the characteristics of DSW, including cleanness, low temperature, rich mineral, highly inorganic nutrition and rare pathogens, which could be extensive applied in each ways to satisfy our requirements of life. Besides, these applications are not only create the addional benefits of products themselves but also match the concept that people wanted to live in the environments with low pollution-comtarming, lower energy-consuming, and natural protection. According to the water area of habitat, algae can be separated as freshwater- and marine algae, and even more depends on the visual size to divide into microalgae and macroalgae. Now, there are several types of culture to enlarge the scale of algal production, and provide to the supplements for any kinds of requirements. From a long time ago, the algae have been indispensable materials for human life or industrial applications. Since the introduction of biotechnologies, the algae have been developed to produce new applications and generate special functions in foods, health protection, feed feeder, cosmetics, ecological protection, and so on. Subsequently, it will also arise illimitable developments in future and present more multiway in productions and applications. Those phenomena give the infinite possibilities and commercial potential in algal researches to promote the industrial developments of algal biotechnology. In the eastern coast of Taiwan, it showed the excellent feathers to develop the DSW that decide to make as a new industry, and the government has been built two DSW centers of different purpose to provide the functions for research or industry. Due to the resource of DSW are unlimited and very suitable for the industrial development of algal biotechnology by the special feathers, such as cleanness, low temperature, rich mineral, and highly inorganic nutrition. Depending on our own algal researches and biotechnologies, we can combine the DSW feathers to culture and breed the algae that provide the materials or productions with more highly excellent functions and applications. With the advantages of “blue gold” and “green gold”, it will expect to promote the industrially advanced developments of biotechnology and aquaculture for a next new era.
