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篇名 從「綠色材質雲」服務平臺中驗證雲端服務應用在資訊製造業的可行性
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 To Verify the Feasibility of Cloud Service Applied to Taiwan IT Manufacturing Industry from Green Material Cloud Services Platform
作者 壽大衛張一鳴
頁次 117-134
關鍵字 服務體驗工程法雲端服務綠色材質雲臺灣資訊製造業service experience engineering methodcloud servicesgreen materials cloudTaiwan IT manufacturing
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/222369612015050501007


本研究從臺灣資訊產業發展的角度剖析臺灣資訊產業的現況,特別是針對資 訊製造業的發展過程與目前所遇到的困境進行深入探討,接著試以雲端服務的模 式來思考有效提升臺灣資訊製造業競爭力的方法。 其次,臺灣資訊業者已規劃推動建立一個綠色製造的「綠色材質雲」服務平 臺,而本研究中訪談了一手主導「綠色材質雲」建立的技嘉科技白光華副總,進 而瞭解白副總在推動時的動機、商業模式、過程及展望。 最後,透過服務體驗工程法(service experience engineering, SEE)來檢視 「綠色材質雲」對資訊製造業生態系下各成員所提供的貢獻,並將各成員所具有 的優、劣因子都列出來比較,進而得知「綠色材質雲」的商業模式是否可行,並 分析其成功原因、未來可能的發展與研究方向。


This paper is the analysis of the current situation from the perspective of Taiwan’s information industry development, especially for the development of information technology manufacturing industry and the currently encountered difficulties for depth discussion. First of all, try to use the cloud service model to explore the effective way to enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan’s IT manufacturing industry. Secondly, Taiwan’s IT industry manufacturer has adopted the idea to establish the “green material cloud” service platform for green manufacturing. We have interviewed Mr. Bai Guang-hua, the vice president of GIGAGYTE, who is leading the “green material cloud” project, and get the understanding of the motive, business model, process and prospect of the project. Finally, we use the SEE (service experience engineering) method to review “green material cloud” project’s contribution to each member who are involved in the IT manufacturing ecosystem, and identify and compare the merits and shortcomings for all the members, so that to verify whether the business model of “green material cloud” is workable or not; and analyzes its successful factors, the possible direction of future development and research.
