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篇名 《學生輔導法》的立法過程與內涵及其影響
卷期 264
並列篇名 The Legislative Procedure and Content Analyzing of the Student Guidance and Counseling Act, and the Impacts of the Act on Student Guidance and Counseling Work
作者 劉仲成
頁次 004-020
關鍵字 立法過程輔導工作學生輔導法legislative procedurestudent guidance and counseling workStudent Guidance and Counseling Act
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.3966/168063602016040264001




In order to put student guidance and counseling work in a legal basis, conquer student counseling dilemmas effectively, build environmentally friendly campuses, and promote and protect students’ physical and mental health and holistic developments, Student Guidance and Counseling Act was released on Nov. 12th, 2014. Student Guidance and Counseling Act would influence the direction of student counseling in every educational stage. The purpose of this article is to analyze how Student Guidance and Counseling Act influences student guidance and counseling work in three aspects, understanding the legislative procedure, analyzing the content of the act, and evaluating the impacts and challenges that Student Guidance and Counseling Act brings when a real student counseling case happens.
