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篇名 落實《學生輔導法》之輔導評鑑指標探究
卷期 264
並列篇名 A Study of School Counseling Evaluation Indicatiors Based on Student Guidance and Counseling Act
作者 陳志賢徐西森
頁次 021-036
關鍵字 輔導工作評鑑學生輔導法學校輔導工作evaluation of guidance workStudent Guidance and Counseling Actstudent guidance in school
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.3966/168063602016040264002




This study aimed to explore the status quo of student guidance work within school, its existing problems and the criteria corresponding to guidance work assessment. The study was developed using a combination of literature review and data from related fi eld practice. The evaluation indicators established in this study fall into four categories with a total of twentyfi ve criteria, which include six criteria under guidance organization and administration; nine under professional service and practice; fi ve under counseling space, facilities and budget; and another five under training, development and uniqueness. The result of evaluation is presented on a four-level scale of excellent, fair, further observation required, and inadequate. The evaluation system can be offered for reference to education authorities, schools, counselors, and so on.
