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篇名 THE CATASTROPHE: Duerrenmatfs painting The Catastrophe and his principle of dramatic invention
卷期 2010
作者 Peter Rusterholz
頁次 043-050
出刊日期 201012



Many people have seen Duerrenmatfs plays The Visit or The Physicists; some have even perhaps read his crime novels involving Commissioner Baerlach: The Judge and His Hangman in particular. Yet have you ever seen any of Duerrenmatt' paintings? For the young DT, there was no question as to whether he wanted to become an artist - that much was clear. For him however it was a key decision as to whether he should become a writer or a painter. In the end he became a writer, but he never gave up painting. DT principally experienced the world as a labyrinth, representing it as such in texts and pictures. The painted walls of his room in his parents’ house show this clearly. These attic paintings are a prelude to his works, on the one hand a small piece of art by the young student, but also evidence for his despair at the world of his elders. I can only show you a part of the most important of the attic paintings, entitled The great adventures of humankind.

