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篇名 屏東縣親密關係暴力高危機個案跨機構網絡會議在地運作之探究
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Investigation into Local Operation of Pingtung Inter-Agency Web Meeting on High-Risk Cases of Intimate Relationship Violence
作者 黃楷婷林聖峯陳婕誼趙善如
頁次 001-038
關鍵字 親密關係暴力高危機網絡會議危險評估解除列管intimate relationship violencehigh riskweb meetingrisk assessmentderegulation
出刊日期 201512


本研究主要探討屏東縣親密關係暴力高危機個案跨機構網絡會議的在地運 作情形,探究的項目包括列管個案樣態、危險評估及行動策略、列管解除情形, 以及網絡單位對於高危機網絡會議之看法等。研究方法是以量化研究為主,質性 研究為輔,透過內容分析法針對2013年225件高危機個案進行分析,並以深入 訪談來訪談警政、社政及衛政各一位工作者。 研究結果顯示,高危機網絡會議列管之個案確實存在著危險性,並且有八成 個案是曾經有加害人揚言或是威脅要殺掉他們。在後續的行動策略,警政單位主 要是採取「繼續約制加害人」,社政單位主要是採取「關心被害人的生活穩定」, 衛政單位主要採取是「透過地段護士或是自殺關懷員的訪視」。高危機個案解除 列管的主要考量是以危險源已解除或降低為多,其次是親友提供保護;並且警政 約制與保護令核發的介入亦能遏止暴力的危機。另外,受訪者表示網絡會議確實 提供溝通交流的平台與有助於明確的職責分工,但是卻有網絡單位認為有訊息傳 遞上的即時性之限制。因此,為能提高網絡會議運作之效能,網絡單位應該保持 對高危機網絡會議列管個案的危險意識、加強網絡單位的聯合查訪、落實加害人 處遇方案、設定更縝密的解除列管的條件,以及促進網絡單位間訊息傳遞的即時 性。


This study mainly investigates local operation of Pingtung inter-agency web meeting on high-risk cases of intimate relationship violence. Items investigated include pattern of regulated cases, risk assessment and action strategy, situation of deregulation, network units5 opinions of web meeting on high-risk cases, and so on. Quantitative research is the main research method, with qualitative research as auxiliary means. The present study uses content analysis method to analyze 255 high-risk cases of 2013, and conducts in-depth interview with one staff of police system, one staff of social work agency and one staff of health department. According to research results, cases regulated by above-described web meeting are indeed dangerous. Furthermore, for 80% of these cases, their inflicters once threatened to kill them. With respect to subsequent action strategy, police agency mainly adopts “continuous restriction on inflicter”; social work unit mainly adopts “attention to victim’s life stability”; health department mainly adopts “district nurse or suicide care provider’s visit”. Major consideration for deregulation of high-risk case is resolved or decreased source of danger; the next is protection by relatives and friends. Moreover, intervention by restriction of police system and issuing of protection order can also prevent violence crisis. Interviewees state that web meeting indeed offers a platform for communication and helps define division of duties. However, some network units think immediacy of information transfer is limited. Therefore, to enhance efficiency of web meeting operation, units of the network should be conscious of risk of cases regulated by such web meeting, strengthen combined investigation of network units, implement inflicter disposal program, set more rigorous deregulation conditions and improve immediacy of information transfer between agencies.
