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篇名 種豬場電子化管理系統之建立
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Implement the Matching Breed Pigs Farm Electronic Management System
作者 陳彥伯陳培展
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 pig farm managementRFIDQR Code種豬場管理RFIDQR Code
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/222369612015110502001


目前臺灣大部分的種豬養殖者使用自製的手寫種豬紀錄卡進行管理工作,每 一批次新進的豬隻都必須重新填寫新的種豬紀錄卡,並以蒐集成冊的方式來管 理。這樣的管理方式,對某些注重預防疫苗注射與種豬生產管理的種豬場來說, 需花費相當高的人力成本,且缺乏管理效率。 本研究蒐集了目前臺灣傳統豬隻養殖所需的資料,並歸納種豬業者的經營理 念與經驗,結合無線射頻識別(radio frequency identification, RFID)與二維碼中 的QR Code(Quick Response Code)技術,設計一套有效率的電子化資料庫管理 系統。 本系統實際於種豬場測試,初步結果顯示可以使管理者利用各種行動裝置, 如筆記型電腦、智慧型手機等電子產品,查詢欲搜尋的該隻種豬的各種資料,因 此本系統對於種豬場豬隻的疫苗施打與品種培育的效率有明顯的改善與提升。


Recently, the reports about the pig epidemic dead pigs fleeing the market affect consumers’ intention to buy pork. To enhance food safety and consumer purchases increased profitability and competitiveness of pig farmers, Council of Agriculture recommended that farmers lead to the production history of pigs so that products information can be public and transparent. However, now most of the domestic matching breed pig farmers still use homemade hand-writing record card to manage matching breed pig farm. A set of core farm breeding process can be established upon the number of own matching breed pigs. Since the managers must re-filled pig new record cards and produce a booklet way to manage matching breed pig farms for each batch of new entrants pig. This study collected many kinds of needed information in Taiwan's traditional breeding pig and summarized matching breed pig breeding industry philosophy and experience by combining with advanced radio frequency (RFID) and two-dimensional code (QR Code) technology to build an efficient database management system. The developed system had also implemented in real matching breed pig farm. The results show the feasibility of two-way remote RFID, including reading and writing data features, and the management system capable of generating an RFID number matching the QR Code. Managers and consumers easily acquire various biographical information by a variety of mobile devices such as notebook computers, smart phones, tablet computers and other electronic products. The developed system can also be in accordance with the needs of the industry, combined with cloud databases and smart phones to apply in the field of the spanned area plants so that managers at home can monitor the detail condition in matching breed pig breeding plants.
