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篇名 工業電腦廠商供應鏈重整之探討:以H公司為例
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 An Investigation of Supply Chain Reengineering in Industrial PC: A Case Study of H Company
作者 陳小芬王孟涵
頁次 057-083
關鍵字 工業電腦垂直整合組織結構供應鏈重整交易成本理論industrial computervertical integrationorganization structuresupply chain reengineeringtransaction cost theory
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/222369612015110502004


工業電腦(industry PC, IPC)的顧客多為系統整合業者(system integrator), 其產業別千門萬類,難以有一套所有產業都適用的標準規範;隨著資訊科技的發 展愈趨多元化,工業電腦的需求也愈來愈廣,市場潛力無窮。而近年來物聯網 (internet of things, IOT)的商機伴隨著4G 的網路布建而迅速起飛,工業電腦亦 走向電子及行動商務市場。 由於工業電腦的顧客需求差異極大,每次交易所需的硬體規格、技術、軟體 及周邊設備皆不相同,因此大多的系統整合商都會有許多配合的廠商,以提供全 方位的解決方案。當系統整合商接到訂單,為了避免軟體或硬體廠商跳過自己而 直接與顧客接洽,大多會自行與顧客洽談規格,不讓工業電腦廠商或軟體廠商與 顧客直接接觸,以擁有較高的控制權及顧客關係。 有鑑於此,工業電腦業者近年由專注硬體研發設計與製造轉而朝向垂直整合 (vertical integration),進而連動組織結構(organization structure)的改變及供應 鏈結構的重整。本研究以一成功轉型的工業電腦廠商作為研究對象,以個案分析 法、交易成本理論(transaction cost theory)探究此個案在面臨企業策略的轉變及 環境的變動下,其背後是如何提升競爭力、增長自身的能力。同時,本研究亦揭 露個案如何在轉型及成長過程中調整與系統整合商及軟體供應商的夥伴關係,以達到公司最佳的競爭型態。


The majority of customers of industrial computer are system integrator. There are thousands type of industrial computer and it is hard to have a standard specification for the industrial computer. With the diversified development of information technology, there are variety demands of industrial computer, bringing many opportunities to industrial computer companies. Recently, business opportunities of Internet of Things quickly developed with 4G network. Industrial computer is applied to electronic and mobile market. Due to the large diverse demands of industrial computer in terms of hardware, software, and peripheral devices, most system integrators have lots of active vendors providing a full range of solutions. System integrators usually make specifications with the end customers by themselves to avoid software and hardware manufacturers contact with customers directly and by pass the system integrators vendors of industrial computer are difficult to control the transactions and build relationships with end customers. Recently, the manufacturers of industrial computer have adopted vertical integration by restructuring its organizational structures and the supply chain. This study uses a successful transformation case of an industrial computer manufacturer. We adopted case study method and transaction cost theory to examine “how to increase competitive advantages and capabilities when the industrial computer vendors face quickly change in business environment.” This study also revealed “how the company adjust the relationship with system integrators and software suppliers in the process of transformation and growth” to get the maximum competitive advantages.
