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篇名 旅遊消費者地景資源衡量因素之研究:以清境農場為例
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Factors for Measuring Landscape
作者 沈進成
頁次 117-130
關鍵字 消費地景資源清境農場體驗tourism consumerist landscapeCingjing Farmexperience
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/222369612015110502006


旅遊目的地地景資源是一種重要的觀光資源,透過遊客對地景的感知與體 驗,形成對遊客獨特的魅力與吸引力。有鑑於遊客消費者地景資源的相關研究較 為欠缺,本研究提出旅遊消費性地景的概念,並以清境農場為實證分析的對象, 研究成果包括:一、消費者地景資源的平均數介於3.28 ~ 4.49 之間,其中以大自 然美景最高,其次為悠閒度假勝地,再其次為美好體驗。二、經由項目分析將旅 遊消費性地景問項進行鑑別度分析,決斷值介於32.55 ~ 59.64 之間,均達顯著水 準,顯示所設計之題項具高鑑別度。在同質性檢定方面,各題項與題目總分相關 係數介於 .59 ~ .66 之間(見表6),題項刪除後之Cronbach’s α 係數介於 .75 ~ .77 之間,顯示旅遊消費性地景各題項具高度一致性。三、消費地景資源透過因素 分析,萃取出歐風奢華旅遊、以懷舊為主題的農場、與自然生態為伍的健康生活 以及美好的度假體驗四大主要因素構面。四、經由單因子變異數分析,顯示人口 統計變數對主題農場體驗之差異化影響最大,其次為奢華旅遊及品味特色餐飲; 而年齡與教育程度是影響消費者地景資源的最大因素。五、以線性結構(iinear structure)方程式分析結果顯示,歐風奢華旅遊對美好度假體驗有顯著影響,而 對自然健康生活則影響程度較低。懷舊主題農場對自然健康生活與美好度假體驗 影響顯著。經由本研究所得之結果,可作為相關單位形塑清境農場旅遊消費者地 景資源、拓展遊客旅遊產品與價值之參考。


Landscape resources is the key resources for a travel destination. There is limited research in tourism consumerist landscape. This study explores the tourism consumerist landscape in Cingjing Farm. The results indicate that the natural scenes ranked the highest, followed by wonderful experiences. By utilizing item analysis, the questionnaire is highly effective at distinguishing tourism consumerist landscape. Item analysis yields a conbach value between .75 to .77 for the total score. The exploratory factor analysis finds four factors: luxury travel, holistic trip, healthy lifestyle, and wonderful experiences. According to one way ANOVA, a significant difference between demographic variables and theme farm is declared. The age and education are the key factors which affect tourism consumerist landscape the most. By using LISREL, the results reveal that luxury travel has a great impact on healthy lifestyle and wonderful experiences. The study provides a guide for organizations developing tourism consumerist landscape in Cingjing Farm with some information.
