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篇名 揭開理查‧史特勞斯首版《納克索斯島上的阿莉雅德娜》形式之謎:框架、歌劇與轉場
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Genesis of the First Version of Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Ariadne auf Naxos: the Frame, the Opera, and the Transitional Scene
作者 陳怡文
頁次 075-113
關鍵字 《納克索斯島上的阿莉雅德娜》理查‧史特勞斯霍夫曼斯塔《暴發戶》1912 年首版《納克索斯島上的阿莉雅德娜》Ariadne auf NaxosRichard StraussHugo von HofmannsthalDer Bürger als Edelmannthe first version of Ariadne auf Naxos in 1912
出刊日期 201605
DOI 10.6244/JOMR.2016.24.03


在《理查‧史特勞斯作品目錄》(Richard Strauss Werkverzeichnis, by Franz Trenner)裡,有兩部作品標題皆為《納克索斯島上的阿莉雅德娜》,其 作品編號分別為:TrV. 228(1912)及 TrV. 228a(1916)。但藉由作品的副標 題便可明白兩者之獨立形式:首版 TrV. 228 包含了話劇配樂及歌劇兩種音樂 形式;新版 TrV. 228a 則是純粹的歌劇。然而,首版作品本身即帶有在現實中 難以被演出的缺陷,隨著新版本的出現,首版的演出機會更被壓縮,再加上 史特勞斯總集(Richard Strauss Edition)中並未收錄首版作品之樂譜,使得今 日大眾難以辨查其樣貌。


According to Richard Strauss Werkverzeichnis by Franz Trenner, there are two works under the identical title of Ariadne auf Naxos, TrV. 228 and TrV. 228a, completed in 1912 and 1916 respectively. With their subtitles, it is obvious that the two versions have their individual forms. Whereas the first version incorporates two distinctive musical forms, incidental music and opera, the second version adopts the pure form of an opera. Due to several flaws for production, the first version has been difficult to stage. With its omission from the Richard Strauss Edition and the completion of the second version, the first version is doomed to oblivion and rarely appreciated by the general public.
The first version of Ariadne auf Naxos consists of three parts: the frame, the opera, and the transitional scene. All three parts have its theatrical functions and meanings and are given a rather complicated musical structure. Fortunately, the correspondence between the composer and the poet records the development of the work, which makes it possible for the complexity of the work to be clarified. Based on the libretto and letters and with the aid of scores, this paper unveils the original contour of the first version of Ariadne auf Naxos and retrieves the work from obscurity.
