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篇名 未來教育發展動向之探究
卷期 270
並列篇名 A Study on the Trend in the Future of Education
作者 吳清山
頁次 013-027
關鍵字 未來教育教育政策future educationeducational policy
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.3966/168063602016100270002




The purpose of this paper is to explore the trends of future education. I begin by addressing new challenges posed by population distribution (low-birth rates and aging), technology, globalization, urbanization and climate change. All factors impacting the development of future education. I end by presenting the important issues including: 1. to emphasize disadvantaged in education; 2. to lead education commonality; 3. to improve education internationalisation; 4. to reshape teacher professionalism; 5. to encourage development of quality and specialist schools; 6. to enhance education autonomy and innovation; 7. to extend on-line learning opportunities; 8. to nurture key competencies of students; 9. to focus on global citizenship education; 10. to increase educational pluralistic participation.
