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篇名 教育行政如何面對未來發展的挑戰
卷期 270
並列篇名 How Educational Administration Face the Challenges of Future Development?
作者 張鈿富
頁次 028-039
關鍵字 未來研究未來發展教育教育行政future studyfuture developmenteducationeducational administration
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.3966/168063602016100270003




This paper focuses on the future that educational administration will face. The discussion includes when the educational leaders face the future what kind of thinking they should have and what kind of methods can be used to change. Reviewing the related literature, the author addressed the workable methods for planning future. They are mapping the future, anticipating the future, timing the future, deepening the future, creating alternatives, and transforming the future. This paper has discussed what works among these methods for planning future in educational administration. Finally, this paper proposes the following strategies: Recognizing the nature of issues, focusing on evidence related data and trends, considering the effective educational administration, enhancing their abilities of planning, and emphasizing innovation. Well prepared these strategies, our education will win the future.
