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篇名 實驗教育的實施與混齡教學的嘗試
卷期 270
並列篇名 Implementation of Experimental Schooling and the Practice of Mixed Age Group Teaching
作者 陳榮政
頁次 054-068
關鍵字 教育改革混齡教學實驗教育education reformmixed age groups teachingexperimental schooling
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.3966/168063602016100270005




The study investigates implementation of latest experimental schooling model via mixed age groups teaching. It argues that mixed age groups teaching will play a crucial role in the path of education reform. Public schools have been authorized a legitimate status for establishing experimental schooling, having more autonomy, fl exibility of teaching following the proclamation of “Enforcement Act for School-Based Experimental Education” in 2014. The study also tries to tackle the problem of current situation, shrinking class and school size in remote areas. Therefore, an alternative way of instruction, mixed age groups teaching is adopted as an innovate approach to solve the problem of shrinking class size and enhance the practice of experimental schooling in Taiwan.
