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篇名 未來教育的理念與策進作為
卷期 270
並列篇名 The Main Connotations and Implementations for the Future Education
作者 范熾文陳慧華
頁次 069-084
關鍵字 未來社會未來教育終身教育遠距教學future societyfuture educationlifelong educationdistance education
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.3966/168063602016100270006




Future society is related to the political, economic and cultural changes caused by the spread of networked, digital information and communications technologies. In next decades, education will play a bigger role in human lives in the future. Futures education may be a key factor contributing to the capacity of these developed countries to stay ahead in society development. In future society, lifelong education will spread, ICT will be used more in education and many people will be self-educating using online resources.Distance education is also becoming increasingly global. This trend will continue in the foreseeable future. This paper aims to analyze the connotation and implementation of future education. Firstly, it explains social context of future education .Secondly, it mentions the main connotations of future education .Thirdly, it analyze the student critical ability of future education. Finally, it proposes the implementation strategy of future education.
