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篇名 個性化學習在未來教育的實踐策略之研究
卷期 270
並列篇名 A Study on Personalized Learning and Its Practicing Strategies for Future Education
作者 黃旭鈞
頁次 085-100
關鍵字 未來教育個性化學習實踐策略學生中心future educationpersonalized learningpracticing strategiesstudent-centered
出刊日期 201610
DOI 10.3966/168063602016100270007


「個性化學習」(personalized learning)秉持以學生為中心的教育理念,強調教育 應因應具有不同需求、能力、興趣、學習風格的學生,調整並提供客製化的學習經驗, 讓學生在學習的輸入、過程與結果,都能扮演主動參與的角色,除提供學生選擇與機會 的公平外,更重要的是能提升學生學習成果的卓越水準,讓學生能以多樣適性的方式, 充分開展潛能,展現更優質的學習成果。為了達成個性化學習在未來教育的應用,本文 透過相關的文獻探討、整理與分析,除了界定個性化學習的意義,釐清個性化學習的相 關概念,也探討個性化學習的基本假定與可能面臨的挑戰。其次,本文亦就個性化學習 的要素與步驟做一析述。最後,提出五項個性化學習在教育上具體的實踐策略,包括: 一、掌握學生意見與需求,客製化學生學習經驗;二、擴大學生學習場域,豐富學習內 涵與方式;三、建立團隊協作的文化氛圍,激勵並增加學生學習主導權;四、結合資訊 科技的應用,創造更大可能性與效益;五、全員承諾與增能,堅持永續個性化學習理 想。依據這些策略,提供設計、規劃與推動未來教育之參考。


The main purpose of this study is to explore the concept of personalized learning and its application for future education. Personalized learning (PL) is a student-centric model which puts the learning at the center and empowers educators to provide each student with an education tailored to student's specific learning needs, interests, learning styles and aptitudes. Personalized Learning allows and requires students to take greater responsibility and ownership for their own learning. It also strengthens teaching and learning and by actively engaging students and their parents as partners in learning process to full release students' potential. For the purpose of this study, the meaning, related concepts, assumptions, challenges, and components of PL are analyzed. Some strategies for using PL to education are evolved: 1. Assessment for learning to customize learning experiences; 2. Learning beyond the classroom to enrich contents and ways of leaning; 3. Culture of collaboration and motivation to build students' ownership of learning; 4. Technology as key enablers to create the possibility and effects of learning. 5. Commitment and Empowerment of all stakeholders to persist and sustain the vision of PL.
