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篇名 性侵害者之依附關係與團體治療經驗——以治療後改變動機進步的性侵害者為例
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Attachment and Experience of Group Psychotherapy of Sexual Offenders: From the Perspective of Sexual Offenders with Motivation to Change Progressing through Group Psychotherapy
作者 黃冠豪
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 性侵害者依附關係團體治療治療關係改變sexual offenderattachmentgroup psychotherapytherapeutic relationshipchange
出刊日期 201607


本研究旨在以依附關係之角度來探究性侵害者其接受團體心理治療之經驗, 以瞭解影響其治療過程中改變之因素。本研究共邀請5位參與社區團體心理治療 後改變動機進步之性侵害者進行質性訪談,透過半結構式訪談法蒐集研究資料, 並根據現象學研究的分析原則進行質性資料的分析,將分析結果以下列三個主題 依序呈現「性侵害者的依附關係」、「性侵害者參與團體治療的感受」、「性侵害者 團體治療過程中對於改變的感受」。文末並針對研究結果進行討論,內容包括: 跨文化性侵害者依附關係型態比較、治療關係之重要性、影響性侵害者改變的可 能因素、如何改善性侵害治療 等重要議題,並提供未來實務工作者與研究之建 議與方向。


This aim of this study was to explore the experience of sexual offenders who participated in group psychotherapy from an attachment perspective. In this study, five sexual offenders with motivation to change progressing through group psychotherapy were interviewed. Data of the subjects were collected through semi-structured interviews, and qualitative data analysis was carried out according to the principle of phenomenological research. The results of this study were presented in 3 themes:⑴ attachment of sexual offenders; (2) experience of group psychotherapy of sexual offenders; (3) experience of change of sexual offenders during the group psychotherapy process. Critical issues, including comparing the attachment of cross-cultural sexual offenders, the importance of the therapeutic relationship, factors that may affect change in sexual offenders, and how to improve the treatment of sexual offenders, were discussed in this study. The findings of this study provide suggestions for future study and useful recommendations for practitioners.
