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篇名 台灣可再生能量與環境容受力之分佈—能值方法應用
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Mapping the Renewable Energy and Environmental Capacity in Taiwan - An Emergy Approach
作者 林映辰
頁次 001-021
關鍵字 能值太陽能值分享能值指標地理資訊系統食物消費在地化emergySolarshareemergy indicesGISfood consumed locally
出刊日期 201606


台灣因海島地形之自然環境限制,可供發展之環境資源及土地面 積皆有其限制,然唯有可再生能量之有效循環利用,方為永續發展之 基礎。本文嘗試以能值評估方法為基礎並結合地理資訊系統 (Geographic Information Systems, GIS)工具,透過空間能值評估方 式(spatial emergy approach),針對台灣郷鎮市行政轄區範圍為單位, 展現1995及2006年台灣可再生能量之空間分佈情形,並透過太陽能 值分享(Solarshare)指標評估台灣可供食物消費之能量高低,進而 檢視台灣之環境容受力。主要研究發現:一、台灣受限於自然環境及 地形等條件,人□密度相對較高,致使1995及2006太陽能值分享數 值僅達全球平均值四分之一,凸顯台灣可享用自然資源之不足;二、 2006年台灣居民總食物消費能值需求量,遠高於可再生能值供給量 達2.88倍;三、台灣推行全面食物消費在地化運動將有其困難性存 在,其中尤以高度都市化之都會區為甚;四、空間能值評估方法將可 做為未來估算環境永續性之有效工具。


Limited by the island terrain, there are restricted natural resources and land for development in Taiwan. To reuse the renewable energy efficiently is the fundamental of sustainable development. This study integrates the emergy evaluation with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to investigate the renewable resources flows and the emergy indices at township level of Taiwan in both 1995 and 2006. This study also incorporates the concept of Solarshare to analyze the environmental carrying capacity for food, and attempts to discuss the spatial differences. The spatial emergy synthesis in this study revealed the following: (1) The estimated Solarshare of Taiwan in both 1995 and 2006 were only about a quarter of the global standard. It shows that there are relatively low renewable resources which could be used in Taiwan. (2) The resources used for food consumption in Taiwan at 2006 were much higher than the natural environment could be provided (2.88 times). (3) It is difficult to promote the food consumed locally movement in Taiwan, especially at the high-urbanized areas. (4) The spatial emergy approach can be the useful tool for measuring the environmental sustainability in the future.
