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篇名 公共圖書館提供身心障礙讀者服務問題之探討
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 A Study on Public Library Services for People with Disabilities in Taiwan
作者 林巧敏
頁次 033-055
關鍵字 特殊讀者身心障礙讀者服務平等取用users with special needsreader services with disabilitiesequality access
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6146/univj.20-2.03




Libraries have to provide resources and services for people with disabilities to eliminate barriers in information access. After the amendment of “People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act” and “Library Act” launched the protection for the knowledge rights of people with disabilities in Taiwan, libraries have had to satisfy the needs of people with disabilities. This paper discusses how Taiwan’s libraries respond to the regulatory requirements and meet the trend of equal access when providing services to people with disabilities. This study firstly analyzes the current situations of library services for people with disabilities through literature review. In-depth interviews are taken to understand the practical situations and opinions of libraries regarding this matter. The results indicate that the collection resources and relevant equipment in Taiwan’s libraries are generally insufficient. Although the library resources can be accessed online, the resources are hard to be shared through interlibrary cooperation. Librarian training and counseling system have to be established too. According to the final results and analysis, suggestions for the public libraries to develop user services for people with disabilities are proposed for reference.
