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篇名 當前校務評鑑人員的專業倫理挑戰
卷期 272
並列篇名 Current Challenges of School Evaluators toward the Professional Ethics
作者 曾淑惠
頁次 044-056
關鍵字 內外部評鑑人員校務評鑑評鑑專業倫理external and internal evaluatorschool evaluationprofessional evaluation ethics
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272004




Although the evaluation ethics has been gradually taken seriously in the past decade, we examined the development of the professional ethics and found it encountered four challenges: 1) part of the evaluators are still unaware of the ethical problems that they might face; 2) the internal and external evaluators of the school evaluation have encountered the countenance of ethics problems; 3) the current code of evaluation ethics covers limited domains and 4) the code of evaluation ethics is unable to solve the dilemmas that the evaluators have met. As for the above challenges, we proposed the possible solutions for reference: improving the sensibility of the evaluators toward evaluation ethics, understanding the countenance of evaluation ethics problems face by the internal and external evaluators, drawing on the foreign professional associations experiences in order to develop the professional ethical codes of the evaluators, and furthermore inquiring the measures of the ethical decision-making and its infl uences.
