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篇名 磨課師設計類學習者自我效能與學習表現之關係
卷期 272
並列篇名 Exploring the Relationship between Self-Effi cacy and Learning Performance among MOOCs’ Design Learners
作者 劉光夏
頁次 088-102
關鍵字 自我效能設計類學習者學習表現磨課師self-effi cacydesign learnerslearning performanceMOOCs
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272007




This study focuses on the relationship between self-effi cacy and learning performance of design learners under the MOOCs’ learning model. The research subjects of this study were fi rst-year graduate students in a “digital image creation” course, and data were collected by means of a questionnaire survey and the assessment of digital artworks. The results indicated: First, the MOOCs’ design learners were highly aware of self-effi cacy, but felt pressure with this new learning model. Secondly, the overall leaning performance of MOOCs’ design learners were above average, and male students tended to have better performance in the dimension “use of skills” than female students. Thirdly, there was a negative correlation between self-efficacy and learning performance among MOOCs’ design learners, but a signifi cant positive relationship in the dimension “aesthetic design” and “use of skills.” In addition, students who had high self-effi cacy had signifi cantly better performance in the use of skills than students who had low self-effi cacy. It is hoped that the fi ndings will provide some insight for instructors to design suitable curriculum for MOOCs’ learners and contribute to the improvement of design teaching in the information age.
