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篇名 培育師資生教學倫理之國際趨勢探討
卷期 272
並列篇名 A Discussion of International Trend on the Ethics of Teaching for Student Teachers
作者 陳延興
頁次 103-117
關鍵字 良師師資培育教學倫理good teacherteacher educationethics of teaching
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272008




In Taiwan, the government and teacher training institutions emphasized the student teachers’ moral character and professional ethos or attitudes. However, there were only very limited course credits or timetable, especially for the education for educational expertise and teaching methods. How to cultivate the so called “good teachers” which has been the main concern for the moral dimension of teaching by the local educational authorities, teaching practitioners and teacher educators. The author illustrated three dimensions on this topic from the international points of view. The fi rst, to discuss about the main content of teachers’ disposition. Secondly, to discuss about the main content and importance of “the Good teacher” Project. The third, to describe that how to teach future teachers through the teacher education. Finally, according the former discussions, the author wish to design more and more cases for the ethics of teaching for the study of schoolteachers and future teachers.
