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篇名 翻轉教室vs.IB國際文憑課程
卷期 272
並列篇名 Flipped Classroom vs. International Baccalaureate
作者 王秋萍
頁次 118-129
關鍵字 大規模網路開放課程國際文憑課程教育改革翻轉教室雙語教育MOOCinternational baccalaureate programmespedagogical reformflipped classroombilingual education
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272009




Two innovative concepts are discussed in this paper: “flipped classroom” is a new instructional approach “watching video lectures at home and doing exercises (homework) in class under supervision”. It intentionally reverses the traditional class model “teacher lecture, students listening’ into a learner-centered teaching model.
IB programmes (IB), launched in 1968, designed for students aged 3 to 19, aims at creating a transdisciplinary curriculum. IB’s objective is to carrying out self-managed learning through “skill-oriented” and “process-focused” teaching. It provides students with continuity of learning around the world within schools and is an internationally recognized and worldwide rapidly accepted curriculum framework.
Though the former is an innovative teaching model, the latter is a curriculum design. These two rapidly spreading pedagogical approaches share common characteristics, which are reaching across countries and disregarding national boundaries. They could possibly reduce many bottle necks and provide feasible solutions while Taiwan is currently dealing with the problem of how to lessen the unequal allocation of educational resources within urban vs. rural areas as well as perform educational internationalization as two main-stream values.
This paper sets its focus on the advantages of integration IB along with adopting a “flipped classroom” strategy into the public school system. Besides, this article aims at promoting a bilingual education setting in the state schools of Taiwan.
