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篇名 《禮記‧大學》與希臘古哲論至善
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Highest Good in the Great Learning and Ancient Greek Philosophy
作者 俞懿嫻
頁次 001-033
關鍵字 至善《大學》蘇格拉底柏拉圖亞里士多德highest goodGreat LearningSocratesPlatoAristotle
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/207466012016120802001




What is the highest good? Apparently, it is some surpassingly perfect good, which implies a hierarchy of goods, with inferior ones always being subordinate to the highest one. In the conventional ethical thought, both in China and the West, attainment of the highest good has been taken as the final end of being human. Seeking perfection in our lives, within the limits of human capacity, has long been regarded as the only way of acquiring happiness for its own sake. This paper is an attempt to explore some spiritual parallels in the conception of the highest good in the Great Learning and by the Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The common ground, I argue, is that the necessary and sufficient condition of happiness (or the highest good) is virtue which should be essential for the promotion of life education.
