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篇名 《孟子》中的喪葬事例研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Case Studies of Funeral Examples in Mencius
作者 許詠晴
頁次 035-050
關鍵字 《孟子》孝弟喪葬Menciusfilial piety and fraternal dutyfuneral ceremonyRen
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/207466012016120802002




What exactly does human nature in Mencius points at? In the book of Mencius, it seems that the most explicit index tends to be “xing shan”(性善). “Mencius Spoke about “xing shan” , constantly commending Yao and Shun. (〈5•1〉) and “the way of Yao and Shun was that of filial and fraternal duty, that is all.” (〈12•2〉) indicates that Mencius considered Yao and Shun as the model of “xing shan”(性善), which could initiate with “filial piety and fraternal duty”. The illustration of “filial piety” in Mencius adopts the concept of Analects, which is “when parents are alive, serve them according to ritual; when they die, bury them according to ritual and sacrifice to them according to ritual. This is called ‘filial devotion’.” (〈5•2〉) that includes the services provided before and after the parents’ death. This study aims to focus on the filial piety in “filial piety and fraternal duty” (孝弟). Meanwhile, the examples of funerals in Mencius would be stressed to inspect the connection between funeral examples and the discussion of human nature. To begin with, the origin of funeral mentioned by Mencius would be discussed, followed by the analysis of how funeral examples function as the catalyst to stir the demand of morality, all men have hearts that cannot bear the suffering of others. Furthermore, the relationship of the heart that could not bear the suffering of others and Ren (仁) would be elaborated. This essay would end with the discussion of the implementation principles of funeral ceremony.
