
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 美國進階安置及其對臺灣資優教育之啟示
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Advanced Placement in the United States and Its Implications for Gifted Education in Taiwan
作者 梁斐瑜高振耀
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 加速制進階安置資優教育accelerationadvanced placementgifted educationTSSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.3966/156082982017022001001


本研究目的旨在瞭解美國進階安置之發展與現況並分析其實施辦法與途徑,進 而探討對臺灣資優教育之啟示。透過兩場焦點團體座談與個別訪談方式蒐集七位來 臺學習之美國AP(Advanced Placement)高中生的資料,研究發現美國進階安置之 理念與實施模式可做為臺灣資優教育參考。臺灣落實高中進階安置課程有助於符合 高中資優生的學習需求並提升學習成效,亦有利於與高等教育課程接軌,減少國家 資源的浪費;其實施方式可透過推薦、輔導、加速課程與充實課程雙軌共構、師資 培訓、課程領域對應及課程學分認證等。據此,本研究對臺灣資優教育之建議: 一、在近期實施方面:(一)依據並增修《特殊教育法》及教育部訂定的《特殊教 育學生調整入學年齡及修業年限實施辦法》;(二)取得合格高中進階安置教師資格 需具該門專業科目之領域專長並修足資優教育學程學分,再通過教師資格「資優教 育類」檢定考試;(三)設立高中進階安置輔導機制;(四)推動高中進階安置課程 認證中心與各大學領域對應課程之學分相互承認;(五)設置北、中、南分區高中 進階安置課程認證中心,專責各校課程學分整合業務;二、在中長期實施方面: (一)發展規劃高中進階安置課程認證與國內各大學高等教育相互學分採認與抵 免;(二)發展規劃高中進階安置課程認證與國際各大學高等教育相互學分採認與 抵免。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of advanced placement in the United States and its implications for gifted education in Taiwan. Seven American AP students who studied in Taiwan participated in this study. A qualitative research design that involved focus group discussions and individual in-depth interviews was chosen to collect data. The major findings are presented as follows. The American AP system is implemented through teachers’ observation and recommendation, counseling intervention, and the collaboration of university teachers, and AP teachers to determine the course content, coexistence of both acceleration and enrichment, AP teachers’ expertise in specific domains and procurement of gifted education credits. The American AP courses were constructed on the basis of correspondence between university and AP courses, certification of AP course credits, fair distribution of educational resources by providing AP courses nationwide, and certification of AP courses by international universities. These themes were discussed in the context of the existing literature, and the suggestions for Taiwan’s gifted education were offered.
