
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣高等技術及職業教育品質保證指標之研究
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 A Study of Quality Assurance Indicators of Higher Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan
作者 于承平胡茹萍
頁次 071-105
關鍵字 品質保證指標高等技術及職業教育認可制評鑑quality assuranceindicatorhigher technical and vocational educationaccreditationTSSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.3966/156082982017022001003




Ever since the comprehensive evaluation system was implemented for technical and vocational colleges and universities in Taiwan, it has functioned to better discriminate between schools, discover existing problems, guide future directions, supervise schools for making improvements, and offer consultations and suggestions. Nonetheless, there remain problems such as homogeneity of evaluative standard that limits schools to develop their own special characteristics, as well as sole concerns of schools to achieve better evaluative standards that result in displacements of school resources. As a result, accreditation was implemented in order to maintain merits of current evaluative system and improve upon its loopholes. Nevertheless, how to further polish the related policy and incorporate quality assurance into its mechanism is little explored and thus addressed in this paper. By employing literature review as a means of delineating the relationships between accreditation and quality assurance, and further highlighting points of problems during analysis, this study analyzed respective developments of TVE (Technical and Vocational Education) Systems within both Australia and the European Union, in order to explore how policies are implemented within vertical hierarchy of institutions, and how theses have evolved over horizontal time pattern, so that the whole picture of each evaluation system might be revealed. This study eventually contributed to provision of a conceptual framework of quality assurance indicators for technical and vocational education in Taiwan. Furthermore, by adopting in-depth interviews, expert validation questionnaire, fuzzy Delphi technique questionnaire, and hierarchical analysis, this study also conducted 57 persons/times interviews with scholars and professionals, and made surveillance and analyses thereafter, in order to complete the construction of a framework and a weighting system of quality assurance for higher technical and vocational education in Taiwan. Finally, this study proposed several suggestions for the reference of related authorities, universities and colleges.
