
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 大學生的基本權保障與限制:以學習自由為核心
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 The Protections and Limitations of College Students’ Fundamental Rights: Focusing on the Freedom of Learning
作者 許育典
頁次 107-138
關鍵字 大學生基本權保障大學生基本權限制特別權力關係學習自由學習自由的限制protections of college studentsfundamental rightslimitations on college studentsfundamental rightsspecial power relationshipfreedom of learninglimitation on the freedom of learningTSSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.3966/156082982017022001004




After the handdown of Juridical Yuan Interpretation No. 684, which called for an end to the theory of the special power relationship between the college and its students, the protections and limitations of college students’ fundamental rights have become the core issue of the statutory regime of the administration of the higher education. How to start from the simple stipulations of the Constitution to clearly and concretely categorize and analyze the complicated contents of the protections and limitations of college students’ fundamental rights is a difficult task of the constitutionism. This article attempts to take the legal theories and practices of the German constitution and the Higher Education Act as references. Firstly, this article will discuss the subjectivity and limitations of the fundamental rights of college students. Secondly, this article will analyze the protections and conflicts of the general fundamental rights of college students and then analyze the special protections and limitations on college students’ freedom of learning. Finally, this Article expects to apply the accomplished concrete categorization and detailed analysis to furnishing a resolution for future disputes as a reference to relevant administrative and judicial institutions.
