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篇名 核心素養的課程教學轉化與設計
卷期 275
並列篇名 Transformation and Design of Competence-based Curriculum and Instruction
作者 林永豐
頁次 004-017
關鍵字 核心素養課程轉化雙向細目表competenceliteracytwo dimensional table
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275001


在中小學課程綱要中納入核心素養概念,是此次新課綱的特色之一,因此,掌握核 心素養的概念、了解其課程轉化原則、進行素養導向教學的設計,便成了未來中小學課 程發展與設計的重要任務,包括教科書的設計、自編教材的發展、校本課程的規劃等均 應重視並回應此一課程改革的挑戰。為了說明素養導向課程教學的轉化與設計,本文首 先分析核心素養的概念,其次探究核心素養的課程與教學轉化,繼之分項討論不同素養 項目的重要內涵與設計方向 ,最後再綜合性地提出結論。


It is one of the main features for including key competences in the newly introduced Curriculum Guideline for the 12-year Basic Education. In order to implement the competence-based curriculum and instruction in the 12-year Basic Education, it is crucial to understand the meaning of key competences and the principles for curriculum design. It is also a new challenge for design of textbooks, for self-developed teaching materials and for school-based curriculum development. This paper aims to investigate design for competencebased curriculum and instruction. First, the concept of competences is investigated. Second, principles for designing curriculum and instruction are outlined. Thirdly, the ideas of different key competences are analyzed and its pedagogical relevance and practices are discussed. Finally, concluding comments are proposed.
