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篇名 美感素養導向教學之理論與實踐
卷期 275
並列篇名 The Teaching Aesthetic Literacy of Theory and Practice
作者 陳瓊花
頁次 018-033
關鍵字 十二年國民基本教育美感教育美感素養素養導向12 year-obligation educationaesthetic educationaesthetic literacyliteracyoriented
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275002




Aesthetic literacy is about the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits that allow individuals to keenly adapt to the present and to effectively respond to the future. Aesthetic literacy is about learning the value of pursuing quality. From the perspective of aesthetic education, this paper begins with a clarification of aesthetic literacy. By extension, the author constructs the theoretical basis for teaching aesthetic literacy. From reviewing the government’s Five Years Aesthetic Education Plan and 1-12 National Curriculum Guideline, it is apparent that aesthetic literacy is a new key in recent education reforms in Taiwan. In fact, it has been and continues to be as one of the common core literacies for all learning areas. Therefore, an effective teaching model based on cultivating aesthetic sensibility and judgment is proposed for consideration.
