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篇名 綜合活動領域素養導向教學設計發展與實例
卷期 275
並列篇名 The Development of Teaching Design for Cultivating Key Competencies and Practices in the Integrated Activities Curriculum
作者 張景媛林佳慧
頁次 034-049
關鍵字 十二年國教素養導向教學設計綜合活動領域12-year basic educationkey competenciesintegrated activities curriculum
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275003




This article demonstrates the principles and cases of teaching design for cultivating key competencies in the integrated activities curriculum that will be implemented in 12- year basic education. The structure of the reform curriculum consists of three principle axes and 12 main topics that correspond with the ideas of and the essences of 12-year basic education as well as with the international trends of developing the future civics. When designing teaching materials, the integrated activities teachers should deeply understand the key competencies proposed by the reformed curriculum and embody the characteristics of spontaneity, interaction, and common good that emphasized by 12-year basic education. The teachers also should master key learning items and integrate cognition, affection, and skills to design teaching materials. In addition, when compiling the teaching materials, related issues are required to take into consideration. The teachers are expected to cultivate their students’ abilities to explore problems in realistic context and encouraging their students to engage in autonomic learning with an aim to enhance the students’ competencies of value exploration, integrated experience, and practical creativity. The teachers refer to the key competencies of the general curriculum guidelines and the key competencies of the integrated activities curriculum guidelines to decide the topic of a learning unit and to construct the framework and the goals of that. When designing learning activities, the essences of the key competencies are expected to take into consideration that integrates learning goals, teaching, and assessment to ensures the quality of learning. The implementation of fore mentioned principles and practices conclude to enrich and embody key-competencies based teaching and learning.
