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篇名 以學生學習為主軸的生活課程素養導向教學
卷期 275
並列篇名 The Approach toward Students’ Learning of Competency-based Education for Life Curriculum
作者 吳璧純鄭淑慧陳春秀
頁次 050-063
關鍵字 生活課程形成性評量素養導向教學教學要素life curriculumformative assessmentcompetency-based instructionessential instructional elements
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275004




Life Curriculum is an integrated curriculum. The curriculum design principles are: student as an active learner, cultivating students’ competency, and expanding students’ meanings about things and phenomena around them. The model of the competencybased instruction for Life Curriculum is action or autonomy approach. The five essential elements of the model are: coherent learning situation, task, learning methods or strategies, students’ thinking or discussing, action and refl ection. The backbone of competency-based instruction for Life Curriculum is students’ learning. Therefore, there are six characteristics of curriculum design and of implementation: (1) The developmental steps of lesson plans are non-linear. (2) The topic begins with students’ awareness of problems. (3) The fi ve essential elements intertwine during teaching processes. (4) Using teaching strategies to help students acquire competencies and autonomy. (5) Using formative assessment to look at students’ learning and to give qualitative feedbacks. (6) Reflecting on the gaps between students’ performance and the learning goals to adjust the instruction or the objectives themselves.
